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Storage Box

as Storage Containers

The increasing energy density of lithium-ion batteries/modules and the inexorable use of these energy sources in all industrial sectors inevitably lead to significantly greater hazard potentials such as transport damage, spontaneous ignition potential, production damage, returns, etc.

The double-walled metal special containers are filles with PyroBubbles®. The lid is also securely protected by a PyroBubbles® permanent filling. Even lithium-ion batteries/modules in cartons or other storage units can be safely stored in these containers quickly and easily. The lithium-ion batteries/modules are also protected from external influences. The condition of the battery or module does not matter, even critically defective batteries can be stored.

The GENIUS Storage System provides a simple, weather-resistant, safe and flexible solution for storing lithium-ion batteries/modules for all industrial sectors. Elaborate separate fir protection containers and halls, as well as special shelters, are thus superfluous.

The GENIUS Storage Boxes are available in different sizes. Special sizes can be individually designed by GENIUS, according to your needs and requirements.